Last-Minute Tips For Pitching A Business Plan
If you are getting ready to pitch a business to funders, you have probably spent months (if not years) preparing the speech that you are going to give. You’ve given the speech to friends and family, mirrors, pets, and perhaps even accounting firms who are helping you. All of this prep work...
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5 Times You Should Talk To An Accountant
Many people are hesitant to hire an accountant because they just aren’t sure that they need one, or they are afraid that they will go to the accountant and then feel like they aren’t “good enough” or they don’t have enough money to actually use that accountant. The truth is that people...
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3 Things To Plan For In Retirement
Retirement is a “pie in the sky” dream of so many people working today. Some people don’t think that they will ever be able to retire, but they could be wrong. There are some things you can plan for so that you can be ready when you retire. If you do these...
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